About Us
With so many constant changes to emotions, standards and society, a steadfast rule book is required to lead us to Heaven. We follow the scripture in our worship to ensure proper service. We strive to treat others with honesty, dignity, and compassion.

Read about our journey
- The Spencer County Church of Christ began in the Summer of 1980 with Bobby Wade promoting it. We first met in a car parts storage room. I’m the only original member left in the church. We knocked on doors all over Rockport, handing out Christian literature and inviting people to join us. We had very little money and would take home our communion cups to wash and reuse them.
- When the power plant started, we gained several members who were already Christians. We had members take turns preaching to our group and we were supported by other churches for a while. When the building on Center St went up for sale, we were able to purchase it. We had several children who lived in the area join our congregation.
- Rick Dominy was our first paid preacher. He and his wife were expecting a son, Joe. Joe had muscular dystrophy and passed away at the age of 21. He touched a lot of lives with his kind disposition, his love of God, and his smile. Rick and his wife eventually moved back to North Carolina.
- Our congregation continued to grow and had approximately 80 members when Bobby Wade was our preacher. We lost several families when Hawesville started a church.
- Bobby and Dan Wade played a great part in the church. They are both great preachers, teaching “Truth in Love” and dedicated their lives to saving souls.
- While we have gained and lost some members we still remain faithful and welcome those who want to serve.
- Ken and Opal Walton donated the ground to build our new building.
For the time being, we are only meeting 3 times a week. See below for our schedule.
Church Leaders
Our church leaders are charged with the administration and care of the local church.

Vic Markgraf
PreacherVic Markgraf has been preaching for the Spencer County church of Christ since 2023. He and his wife have three children. Currently, he is enrolled at Sunset International Bible Institute pursuing a Bachelor of Biblical Studies degree. He is passionate about preaching the Word and working with the congregation's elders to spread the Gospel and teach others about Christ.
He earned academic degrees in human resources management and nursing. He specializes in employee development and training. His preaching style is a combination that is loving with dynamic conviction to motivate spiritual growth among the congregation (the body of Christ) - all the while spreading the exciting nature of Christ's message to those outside of Christian fellowship.
As a preacher, he is committed through personal belief to provide biblical, pertinent, and easily-applicable lessons to the Rockport, Indiana, and surrounding communities. For this reason, nothing short of biblical truth in love will suffice.
Our Church and Convictions
Our Statement of Convictions governs the rules of the Church. We base all of those rules on scripture.

Feel free to contact us with questions, prayer requests, or how we can help you or the community.
Our Address
882 North County Road 200 West
Rockport IN, 47635
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